
An evolving guide to a happy life of small joys, good eats and memorable experiences

The Do List:

  1. Run a 10K
  2. Go fruit picking
  3. Try out Sewart Slides
  4. Experiment with washi tape
  5. Picnic Full House Style (i.e in front of the Painted Ladies)
  6. Alcatraz night tour
  7. Go dancing at Cat Club 80s night (and stay out past my bedtime)
  8. Roast s'mores at Ocean Beach
  9. Shuck oysters at Drake's Bay
  10. See the <3 LV Exhibit at Shooting Gallery
  11. SF movie in the park
  12. See a show at the Fillmore

Spork Report:

  1. Eat @State Bird Provisions
  2. Drinks @21st Amendment
  3. Drinks @Bourbon & Branch
  4. Eat @Roka Akor
  5. Cronut (or some equivalent)
  6. Grilled cheese bun burger
  7. Swan oyster depot
  8. Mochido (mochi donuts @ J. Sweets in Mitsua)
  9. Rebel Within @ Craftsman Wolves
  10. Drink a carbonated margarita @Kronner Burger
  11. Bug out with Don Bugito

Wing It:

  1. Grand Canyon
  2. Pyramids
  3. Antelope Canyon (AZ)
  4. Galapagos Islands
  5. Scuba diving at the Great Barrior Reef